Monday, December 16, 2013

My Messages Enhancements

My Messages will have a bit of a new look and feel in the coming days.  The changes below are in the final testing stages.

New features include:

Sorting by column -- click on the column header and it sorts in ascending or descending order

Searches by column -- click on the right hand side of a column to use the new filter 

Go to Page....-- type in a page number at the bottom to go to a particular page 

Deleting multiple messages at once -- click on the new checkbox to the left of each message and then 
click on the delete button at the bottom to delete all messages checked
Bug fixed -- You should also no longer see any instances where the messages get skewed because of strange formatting within a specific message.

Compatibility -- My Messages should also work better now from devices such as iPhones, Android phones, and browsers other than Internet Explorer.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Show All Future Appointments Per Caseload

We've always shown future appointments per individual on their detailed information page and through various reports.  But now you can login and immediately get a look at all the doctor visits and other appointments for the day and in the future for all individuals in your caseload.  If you have permissions to see all individuals, then your list will show everyone.

This report is available only from the home page from the left-hand menu:

Once selected you will see a report like the following that is in date/time order:
You can click on the "Med Encounter" link to see a "doctor-ready" visit form with all of the individual's medications (non-standing order meds), their contact info, etc. as we have always shown on the Medical Encounter form.

The "Home Page" link in the upper right gets you back to InfoServDD.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Body Mass Index

BMI has been added to the weight chart report. 
It only shows up if the height is entered in inches.
The height automatically updates the demographics height to inches from the weight chart.
On demographics, we now show text out to the side of height asking the user to enter the height in inches and then we show the feet and inches if currently entered as inches.  We added text to the right of weight explaining that both weight and height can be updated/overwritten from the weight chart.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Internet Explorer 11 -- Expanded Menu Issue

The latest version of Internet Explorer, version 11, expands all of our menus.  You probably will not want to see all of the sub-menus that exist in our system since there are so many.
Another glitch with IE 11 is that you may not be able to see the editor for daily notes or other areas that require our word processor-like editor.  (Nurse notes uses an editor that is compatible with IE 11.  We will change all other notes over to this editor soon.)

To fix this:
  • Open Internet Explorer, go to Tools, click on "F12 - developer tools".
  • Click on the down arrow on the left until you see "computer monitor/smart phone".
  • Under Mode, change Document Mode to 9, and user agency string to Internet Explorer 9.

  •  Go back to Tools, and click on Compatibility View Settings and add to the list.
  • Under Mode, change Document Mode to 9, and User agency string to Internet Explorer 9.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Messages Permissions

We have added "My Messages" to the employee permissions screen.

Please note that if you change an employee's permissions, the default permissions for My Messages defaults to "None".  Make sure you change this to A/E/D if you want the employee to have access to My Messages.

The one exception is that we will still allow the employee to see a message that was marked as "Required" (required reading).  If they have "None" as their My Messages permissions, as soon as they mark the required message and leave My Messages, they would be unable to access My Messages.

Your agency may only allow Human Resource Managers or supervisors to access the employee permissions module.  So contact the person in your organization who can edit your permissions if you know that you should have access to My Messages but no longer do.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

In-Home Notes

In-Home Notes have been incorporated into the billing report.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Employee Notes

In addition to Executive Notes and Admin Notes for employees, we were asked to add a simple note for each employee's record.  It is limited to be edited and viewed only by those in the Agency Admin, Executive Director, or Human Resource user groups currently.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Bypassing "Check Meds"

Bypassing the “Check Meds” Processing on an Individual Level

If you are simply keeping medications on file for an individual and don't want to see the Check Meds or Check PRN Meds buttons for them, edit their demographics record and move to the bottom of the screen.

From there, change the setting shown below to "No" and save.

Bypassing the “Check Meds” Processing on an Agency-wide Level

You can also change the overall setting for your agency by going into Maintenance, Agency Mgmt and changing the "Past Give Med Date" to something closer to today's date or even a date in the future to totally bypass the check for everyone.  The closer this date is to today's date, the less checking for missed medications it does.  In other words, it starts at this date and checks from there up to today's date for missed medications.  If the date is in the future, it does no checking at all.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

TN Providers Monthly Review Report -- Outcome Rules

Which outcomes are automatically loaded on the TN Providers Monthly Review?

Rules we follow on this:
·         The outcome effective dates have to be >= the latest final ISP effective date.
·         The outcome type must be like “Supports for Daily Life” or “Personal Outcomes”.
·         The outcome action must have a Staff Instruction filled out.
·         The outcome action’s start date must be less than the date it is added for.
·         The outcome action’s end date must be greater than the first of the month of the action’s end date.
·         If you have an ISP that is more recent than the current effective date, the outcome’s effective date has to be less than this most recent (presumably new ISP for the next year).  Usually this only occurs when you have added in next year's ISP before-hand.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Check Med Rules

For Past Med:  (Assuming today's date is 5/21/2013)
  1. Application will display missed meds in Past Med popup from the date selected in ‘Past GiveMed Date’ till 05/13/2013.
    1. If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ >= 05/13/2013 then Past Med button will not be displayed.
      Example: If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ = 05/20/2013, then Past Med button will not be displayed
    2. If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ < 05/13/2013 then Past Med Popup will display missed meds from ‘Past GiveMed Date’ till 05/12/2013.
      Example: If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ = 05/10/2013, then Past Med popup will display missed meds from 05/10/2013 till 05/12/2013.
For Check Med:
  1. Application will display missed meds in Check Med popup from the ‘Past GiveMed Date’ or 05/13/2013 whichever is greater.
    1. If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ > 05/13/2013 then Check Med Popup will display missed meds from ‘Past GiveMed Date’.
      Example: If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ = 05/20/2013, then Check Med popup will display missed meds from 05/20/2013.
    2. If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ < 05/13/2013 then Check Med Popup will display missed meds from 05/13/2013.
      Example: If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ = 05/10/2013, then Check Med popup will display missed meds from 05/13/2013.
For Blank ‘Past GiveMed Date’:
  1. If the ‘Past GiveMed Date’ is not set to any value (i.e. it's blank), then check med as well as past med button will not be displayed for that agency.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Enterprise InfoServ -- Incident Enhancements

The Enterprise InfoServ version's incident module was changed so that the corporate incident form is filled out first.  If an individual/service recipient is involved, it then sends the user to the appropriate state form.    Additional questions were added to the corporate form to determine whether or not an injury occurred to an employee, a volunteer, a client, or a visitor.  If an employee was marked as injured, the Human Resources contacts are notified automatically at corporate.

Risk Management Reviews and Follow-ups have also been updated.

Billing - Inclusion of Non-billable items

The Daily Support Notes Tracking report has been changed to include an option to show items marked as non-billable on the billable report. 
These non-billable items will show up by themselves in their own report.

ISC ISP Peer Review Process

Independent Support Coordination agencies can now do peer reviews on Individual Support Plans.  Each section has a free-form text area to be filled out by the peer who is selected to review the draft version of the ISP.  The author can then go back in and make any needed changes to the ISP and finalize it.

SAGE Accounting Integration

Washington State users now have their timesheets integrated with ADP and with Sage Accounting.  The cost code is populated based on the program, revenue source, and location (work site) for each employee.
From the site list we have added the possible program and revenue codes that are associated with the site.
From the employee record, we have added the default program and revenue code for each employee.
When you clock-in, the cost code string is attached to the time card based on these defaults.  However, supervisors can change the specific revenue code and/or site when editing the time sheet, if necessary.  When the time sheet info is exported to ADP, it includes the proper Sage cost codes for each clock-in/out.

Monthly Encounters (Provider Report) Change

The Monthly Encounters Provider Report now includes only encounters marked with a status of "Completed".  Please make sure you update encounters from scheduled to completed as needed. 
Remember that the system automatically notifies you when your scheduled doctor visits, etc. are due, so this should make it easy for you to update them as completed.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


The question mark icon (as shown on the left) is available from most screens within InfoServDD to provide you with help on using a particular screen.
If you click it and no help is shown, it allows you to check out our help manuals. 

Now, you are also able to add help for others to use when no help has been provided.   Just add a title and then add help text in the editor and click Submit when you're done.  The next time you click on the ? icon on this page, it will show your content.

Example as it appears after filling out the help information for the individual's detail page:
Help Desk

After selecting an individual (service recipient), important demographic information about the person is displayed. 
  • Menu options are shown on the left-hand side to things available from this module. 
  • Quick Links are displayed under the "Personal Info" heading in the middle section.  These quick links get you up and running quickly by giving you a quick way to add notes, charts, or incidents for the selected individual.
  • You can access "My Messages" by clicking on the red "My Messages" link on the right-hand side of the page.
  • If you want to select a different individual, click on "Individuals" at the top of the page.
Please find help on this and other topics from the appropriate help manual.
Display Help Manuals

New Tennessee Provider Review Report

A new report is now available under Maintenance, General Reports named the TN Provider Review.  It displays the most recently completed Provider Review including Date and Review Period.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Assigning Multiple Supervisors

NOTE: This is available to agencies that have updated their Payroll Type on their agency management screen.  (Options are ADP, Quicken, PayChex, etc.)  If you're not using our time tracking module and linking that to a third-party payroll system, the My Supervisors link wouldn't provide you with any benefit.

We have created a new link called “My Supervisors” for each employee.  Once you’re done adding a new employee, click on this link.

This is sort of the opposite of the employee’s supervisor list, which is a list of all of the employees that the employee supervises.  If the employee is new and has no employees selected, we will pre-select all Exempt/Salaried employees automatically to be the supervisors of this employee.  You may add additional supervisors by highlighting them on the left and moving them to the right.  You may take employees off the list by moving them back to the left. 
To accept the list, click on Submit. 

If the employee is new, a special message is provided as shown above.  Otherwise, it shows the employee’s supervisors that were previously assigned.

The employee's supervisors can review their time sheets, so this makes it easier, especially when bringing a new employee on board. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Tennessee Incident Form -- Injury Questions Added

In order to help identify whether or not an incident is reportable, we have included additional questions about an injury.  These fields are not required and are limited to a maximum of 500 characters each.

1) How did the Injury Occur? 
2)How was the Injury Assessed and Treated? 
3) Where was the Injury Documented (other than this form)?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Enhancements Made

Here are a few noteworthy enhancements that have been made. 

Help Desk Enhancements
You have hopefully already noticed the easier to use help desk form.  We also have created easier ways for us to reply to your requests and to track whether or not a solution has been provided.

BM Hourly Enhancement
BM charts now let you choose the hour of the day instead of just the shift.  The report will reflect this change as well.

Sleep Report
A request was made to have a way to email a Sleep Chart.  A new option asks if you want the report format in regular (html) format or in a password protected PDF format.  The PDF report can be saved to a local file and then emailed.  The password to the report is provided to you on the report filter screen.  As you know, when emailing a document that is password protected, do not provide the recipient the password within that same document.  Best practice would be for you to call them and provide it to them over the phone. 
Facility Based Notes and Charts
The “FB Note” link was added to the Individual’s Detail page.   If chosen, it now goes to a screen similar to the CB screen.  From there, the user can either add an FB note or record an absent chart.
Under Charting Requirements per Individual, the FB Chart was added.   Please update each individual’s charting requirements to include FB, if applicable.
The FB Chart is now available on the View Charts.
Billing Changes
CB only - would ideally cover a 6 hour period of time, but there could be a situation where the 6 hour period was not provided due to unforeseen circumstances (i.e. the person leaves with family, gets sick, or due to weather, etc).  In that situation we could bill CB if they received at least 2 hours of service.
FB only – technically covers a 6 hour period of time.  What happens in our day programs, however, is that the staff document an 8 hour period of time (8a-4p).  The homes bring the service recipients to the center and the next residential shift doesn’t start until 4p, so we provide 8 hours of service even though we are only paid for 6.
CB and FB on the same day – if at least 3.25 hours of CB is provided, then the day can be billed as CB even though the remainder of the day has been billed as FB.
If SE is provided, then that is the service that is billed regardless of the number of CB or FB hours.
·         If CB >= 3.25 hours and there is FB, bill CB.
·         If CB >= 2 hours and there is no FB, bill CB.
·         If FB >= 2 hours and there is no CB, bill FB.
·         If CB > FB , bill CB if >= 2 hours.
Nurse Notes Confidentiality - (Feature not turned on unless requested)
On Nurse Notes, there is a new question near the bottom of the note that asks if you want the note to be confidential or not.  If defaults to no.  If you change it to yes, the Nurse Note will not be available from the View Notes or the Nurse Notes Report by anyone other than the author.

Daily Notes Addendums
We will soon be adding the ability to add onto an already existing Daily Note, so that multiple users can be associated with the same shift and main note.  Basically, the original note of the shift will become "extended" in time and will have additional signatures and comments added ot it.  This way, the Daily Notes Tracking form will not show gaps.

Check PRN Meds
We now alert you when you need to check to see if a PRN med should be given or comments should be added.  This one comes up in orange on the right-hand side of the page as shown in the picture to the right.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Scanning Meds

We have made some enhancements to our Pharmacy Connection module.  Prescriptions can be scanned in with auto recognition between the Rx Order Number vs. the Rx ID.  The system automatically recognizes the bar code type and retrieves the proper prescription record for you.  If the med comes in with no side effects, the system will retrieve the side effects from the prior refill for this same medication and patient.  You are then able to modify the side effects, if needed and approve the prescription, which closes out prior prescriptions with the same order number and creates the new one in the system.  As always, we will help you get this in place and running smoothly.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Billing Enhancements

The Billing Report (aka "Daily Support Notes Tracking") is found under Maintenance, General  Reports.
It shows the billable units for billable note types as well as attendance charting.  The search screen now includes a new way to omit notes from the report. 

Choose the "Mark as Non-Billable" option  to be taken to a grid of notes.  Click on the checkbox under the Non-Billable column for any notes you want to be omitted from the billing report.
Note that you can uncheck them to make them billable once again.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! 

We promise to continue to improve InfoServDD to make your daily tasks more efficient so that you can spend more time helping the individuals that you serve.