Thursday, December 24, 2015

For Tennessee Users -- Two New Note Types

For Tennessee Users Only:

CB Wrap Around and Individual Integrated Employment note types have been added to the system.

From Charting, Requirements, select these new note types per individual as needed.

The notes will appear on their Quick Menus from their Personal Info Page if selected from Charting Requirements.

These two new note types will be added to the billing report.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

New Features

Side Effects now get automatically populated from Pharmacy Connection if no side effects carry forward otherwise.
You can still select the WebMD side effects link to see their side effects and comments.

The diagnosis field is now available to be filled from Pharmacy Connection.

On the Prescriptions menu option (Individuals, Med Admin), those with accounts with Delmar Pharmacy will be able to see the script images directly for each prescription re-order number ("RO Number").  So you will no longer have to download and then upload those into our system.  This works for prescriptions in the past as well.  After you select the prescription to search for, a "See Image" link appears to the right of the View or Edit links.  Click See Image and it pops up a new window with the prescription's order image.  This should be a big time saver.

Tennessee:  A new version of the ISP was added.  In addition, the ISP is now divided into easier to manage sections.  Just fill out the first page and save and then click on a link to another page.

We have a new Documentation Checklist that's available under Maintenance and is on the Individual menu as well.  (Ask about this feature if you do not currently see it on your menus.)


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Exclusions Database Updated - 7/8/2015

Our Exclusions Database has been updated for 7/8/2015.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Exclusions Database Updated - 6/9/2015

The OIG.HHS.Gov Exclusions database has been updated in InfoServDD for June 09, 2015.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Med Variance Form Change for Tennessee

Tennessee agencies are using the new Med Variance form as shown below.  Information from the "Give Med" form is carried over to this new form.


Monday, March 9, 2015

TN Monthly Summary

Places have been added to include info on three additional services on the Tennessee Monthly Summary.

Exclusions Database Updated - 3/5/2015

The Exclusions Database has been updated.

Monday, February 9, 2015

CB and IH Notes -- Person Centered Rationale

For Tennessee agencies, we have added a person centered rationale pull-down to CB and IH Notes in order to identify a reason that a consumer may not be receiving a full six hours of day services.

For billing, we are making the following changes:

  • The expected amount for day service delivery is 6 hours.
  • If a person receives less than 6 hours, a Person-centered Rationale selection has to be provided. (minimum is 2 hrs. or 3.06 hrs. depending on approved day services)
  • If a person receives less than 6 hours for the day, a person centered rationale is required.
  • Explain ‘Other’ in the PCR list.  This field is provided in order to describe rationale that has not been provided in the list.
  • Explain rules for minimum of 3.06 with Combined notes? The state’s minimum requirement for day services (excluding SE) is 3 hours and 1/10th of an hour if/when a person receives both IH and CB day services. If a person receives CB alone, the minimum is 2 hours. This is something that you can be audited for.  
  • You can add your own person centered rationale options to the pull-down called "PCP Rationale".

February Exclusions Database is now available

The February 9, 2015 Exclusions Database update is now available on to process for your agency, if applicable.
You must have A/E/D access to Employees: Exclusions Database in order to see this on your menu.