Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Check Med Rules

For Past Med:  (Assuming today's date is 5/21/2013)
  1. Application will display missed meds in Past Med popup from the date selected in ‘Past GiveMed Date’ till 05/13/2013.
    1. If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ >= 05/13/2013 then Past Med button will not be displayed.
      Example: If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ = 05/20/2013, then Past Med button will not be displayed
    2. If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ < 05/13/2013 then Past Med Popup will display missed meds from ‘Past GiveMed Date’ till 05/12/2013.
      Example: If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ = 05/10/2013, then Past Med popup will display missed meds from 05/10/2013 till 05/12/2013.
For Check Med:
  1. Application will display missed meds in Check Med popup from the ‘Past GiveMed Date’ or 05/13/2013 whichever is greater.
    1. If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ > 05/13/2013 then Check Med Popup will display missed meds from ‘Past GiveMed Date’.
      Example: If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ = 05/20/2013, then Check Med popup will display missed meds from 05/20/2013.
    2. If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ < 05/13/2013 then Check Med Popup will display missed meds from 05/13/2013.
      Example: If ‘Past GiveMed Date’ = 05/10/2013, then Check Med popup will display missed meds from 05/13/2013.
For Blank ‘Past GiveMed Date’:
  1. If the ‘Past GiveMed Date’ is not set to any value (i.e. it's blank), then check med as well as past med button will not be displayed for that agency.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Enterprise InfoServ -- Incident Enhancements

The Enterprise InfoServ version's incident module was changed so that the corporate incident form is filled out first.  If an individual/service recipient is involved, it then sends the user to the appropriate state form.    Additional questions were added to the corporate form to determine whether or not an injury occurred to an employee, a volunteer, a client, or a visitor.  If an employee was marked as injured, the Human Resources contacts are notified automatically at corporate.

Risk Management Reviews and Follow-ups have also been updated.

Billing - Inclusion of Non-billable items

The Daily Support Notes Tracking report has been changed to include an option to show items marked as non-billable on the billable report. 
These non-billable items will show up by themselves in their own report.

ISC ISP Peer Review Process

Independent Support Coordination agencies can now do peer reviews on Individual Support Plans.  Each section has a free-form text area to be filled out by the peer who is selected to review the draft version of the ISP.  The author can then go back in and make any needed changes to the ISP and finalize it.

SAGE Accounting Integration

Washington State users now have their timesheets integrated with ADP and with Sage Accounting.  The cost code is populated based on the program, revenue source, and location (work site) for each employee.
From the site list we have added the possible program and revenue codes that are associated with the site.
From the employee record, we have added the default program and revenue code for each employee.
When you clock-in, the cost code string is attached to the time card based on these defaults.  However, supervisors can change the specific revenue code and/or site when editing the time sheet, if necessary.  When the time sheet info is exported to ADP, it includes the proper Sage cost codes for each clock-in/out.

Monthly Encounters (Provider Report) Change

The Monthly Encounters Provider Report now includes only encounters marked with a status of "Completed".  Please make sure you update encounters from scheduled to completed as needed. 
Remember that the system automatically notifies you when your scheduled doctor visits, etc. are due, so this should make it easy for you to update them as completed.