Bypassing the “Check Meds” Processing on an Individual Level
If you are simply keeping medications on file for an individual and don't want to see the Check Meds or Check PRN Meds buttons for them, edit their demographics record and move to the bottom of the screen.
From there, change the setting shown below to "No" and save.
Bypassing the “Check Meds” Processing on an Agency-wide Level
You can also change the overall setting for your agency by going into Maintenance, Agency Mgmt and changing the "Past Give Med Date" to something closer to today's date or even a date in the future to totally bypass the check for everyone. The closer this date is to today's date, the less checking for missed medications it does. In other words, it starts at this date and checks from there up to today's date for missed medications. If the date is in the future, it does no checking at all.