Monday, December 10, 2012

Clock-out automatically changed to equal clock-in

Last week, we changed the behavior of the clock-out when more than 16 hours have elapsed since you last clocked in.   If you have not clocked out within 16 hours of your last clock-in, the system automatically changes your clock-out to equal your clock-in.

This prevents obvious errors in pay that could occur.  Supervisors should edit the time entry and update the clock-out time to the correct time.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Personal Checking Enhancements

The checking module has been revamped and is being beta tested now.  We designed it to be easier to use.  Here are some screen shots.  Please call us if you want to be a part of the test.

You can sort on any field.

Add a new checking entry straight from the grid.

My Messages -- Required/Urgent Message Handling

Managers may now mark as message as "required to be read".  The system defaults all messages to normal, so you would need to change the option to "Requied/Urgent" for the message to be required to be read.  A user must view the message and click on the button at the bottom of the message in order to be able to get to the rest of the system.
Messaged marked as required are clearly marked with a red flag. 
Notice that the "Go Home" button is not available.
It becomes available after the user clicks "View" and then clicks on the botton at the bottom of the message.
Once the message has been read, it is moved to the Opened folder and is marked with a checkmark.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Free First Aid Smart Phone App

There is a FREE APP available to all smart phone users called First Aid by American Red Cross.  It allows you to click on a specific scenerio i.e., broken bone, asma attach, allergies, breathing difficulties and many more.  After clicking the appropiate issue, the site will give detailed instructions on what to do and includes pictures and diagrams.

The following links are available from the website above:
Android device:
iPhone device:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Employees trained to work with this individual....

After you select an individual (consumer/service recipient) scroll to the bottom of the selection screen to see the employees who have completed their "Training Specific to the Needs of the Individual..." training course and are able to work with this person.  The list includes the date trained and name of the employee.
(Note: This feature has been disabled for Virginia agencies.)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Clock-Ins

  • Some agencies now may see a new time sheet format for tracking clock-ins and outs.  
  • We have also integrated our time sheets with ADP (a very well-known third party payroll system). 
  • In addition, we are re-working our work scheduling capabilities to make them easier to use and maintain.

View Notes Report

As you know, the "View Notes" report (a.k.a. "One Note") is available from each individual's main screen.  It only goes back 24 hours though.  To see more than 24 hours worth of data, you can click on "Notes", "Daily Support Notes", and "One Note" to select a larger date range.  This report combines notes from different areas in chronological order into a single report.

We are also adding this report to Maintenance, General Reports so that you can select multiple individuals from there.

Training Due

The "Training Due All" report under Employees, General Reports now works differently than in the past for some agencies.  (If you would like yours to work as explained below, please contact us.)

The courses that will show up as courses to check for come from the courses associated with the employee's position.

Change courses associated with each position at your agency from Maintenance, Position Mgmt.  So if you change the position "Direct Care Professional" (or something similar to that that you may have) here, then every employee who has been assigned that position will have those courses associated with them.
(Position Mgmt edit screen, where you can select courses associated with each position)

There is also a new choice to show courses that were taken, even if they are not due (as shown below).  If you want to see even when courses are not due, change the "Show only courses due?" selection to "No".
Notice that we also added new options to let you choose all employees with a particular position or in a particular department.

You would then see something similar to the following:
 So there is some work you will have to do to get the positions set up, but the added flexibility should be more than worth the effort!  We also now provide a "Percentage Complete" for each each employee at the bottom of each employee's list.

If you get updates from the College of Direct Support and import those into the system, you should also make sure that the courses have the CDS module names associated with them.  If you do, the end result is that there is no manual entry of courses taken and you can get an up to the minute listing of all training due for today's date or any date in the future.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Salaried Clock-in and out

If your pay type is "Exempt" or "Salary" on your most recent position record under your employment history AND you have selected to not use a fingerprint device (a setting on your employee record), then when you click on "Clock-In" or "Clock-Out" from the Home Page you can enter your clock-in date and time and clock-out date and time all at once.  You must enter a comment and memo to describe if the time was scheduled/work or vacation, etc.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fingerprint Login

We have updated the fingerprint login to work with Digital Persona biometric scanners.

Tech Soup

Click here to go to the Tech Soup Web site

Tech Soup provides non-profits discounts on software and refurbished hardware.  We have had customers use them in the past and we highly recommend them.

Click here to request donations before June 30, 2012 from donors linked to tech soup.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Employee User Rights

We've added a couple of new filters to the User Rights report.  You can now select a particular module and/or user right type (as shown below).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pharmacy Connection -- Barcode Scanning

We are adding a barcode scanning feature to our Pharmacy Connection module to enable a quick prescription update.  More details to come later....

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pharmacy Connection

Pharmacy Connection is a new product we offer that allows InfoServDD to directly connect to your pharmacy.  This eliminates re-entry of prescription information and also adds another level of  quality control to your processes.  Contact us for more information.

Monday, January 30, 2012

View Last 24 Hours Changes

"View Last 24 Hours (All)" has been split into separate reports.  View Last 24 Hours has everything it used to have except all charting and medication administration reports.  Those can be found as "View Charts" and "View Medications" as seen below.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mock Fire Drill Enhancements

PHS has added a new enhanced Mock Fire Drill feature to InfoServ DD.

  • A trainer (existing employee) answers the questions on the Mock fire drill form with a new employee to that site and enters responses in Infoserv DD.
  • This creates a Trainer signed Mock fire drill and send notification to the new employee the drill has been completed.
  • The new employee logs on to InfoServ DD and in his ‘my messages’ is the Mock Fire Drill report for him to review.
  • When new employee agrees the Mock Fire Drill was completed by the Trainer, the employees signature is added to the form and a Training Record is created with the uploaded signed Mock Fire Drill and a notification is sent to the Manager/Supervisor of the new employee the Mock Fire Drill has been completed.