"Training Due All" report under Employees, General Reports now works differently than in the past for some agencies. (If you would like yours to work as explained below, please contact us.)
The courses that will show up as courses to check for come from the courses associated with the employee's position.
Change courses associated with each position at your agency from Maintenance, Position Mgmt. So if you change the position "Direct Care Professional" (or something similar to that that you may have) here, then every employee who has been assigned that position will have those courses associated with them.
(Position Mgmt edit screen, where you can select courses associated with each position) |
There is also a new choice to show courses that were taken, even if they are not due (as shown below). If you want to see even when courses are not due, change the "Show only courses due?" selection to "No".
Notice that we also added new options to let you choose all employees with a particular position or in a particular department.
You would then see something similar to the following:
So there is some work you will have to do to get the positions set up, but the added flexibility should be more than worth the effort! We also now provide a "Percentage Complete" for each each employee at the bottom of each employee's list.
If you get updates from the College of Direct Support and import those into the system, you should also make sure that the courses have the CDS module names associated with them. If you do, the end result is that there is no manual entry of courses taken and you can get an up to the minute listing of all training due for today's date or any date in the future.